Tree Planting
Pair of oaks planted in 2016.
Restoring the tree canopy…
We are fortunate, Doctors Park has a diverse tree species throughout. Yet, the park does have a considerable number of ash trees, some of which have been recently removed as they have been infected with emerald ash bore.
Help plant new trees in the park to replace what has been lost! Gifts of $50, $100 or cover the cost of one young tree planted if you can - estimated at $650 - will help to restore the tree canopy we all enjoy.
Pictured here are oak trees we planted in 2016 that cost $550 each. (By contrast the the trees at the allee leading to the memorial were planted in 2019.) Return to this page often as we count how many trees we can plant come autumn.
Donate through The Park People and remember to earmark your gift for TREES!